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Surah Al-Baqarah: 30: "Remember when your Lord said to the Angels: " Verily, I want to make a caliph on the earth." What is meant here is a human being, that was the Prophet Adam AS, the first human on earth it's mean human's is a Caliph. Caliphate that has been carried by human's demand it to preserve and deliver everything that is in the world to the function and purpose of its creation, the sea, for example, was created as a place to sail ships to find fish, pearls, etc. So that humans as Caliphs have the responsibility to take care the sea according to its creation. Someone who slaughtered a newly hatched chick or plucked flowers that have not yet bloomed can also be categorized as not performing a good caliphate duty on earth.
Source : https://www.nu.or.id/post/read/104352/menengok-kembali-makna-khilafah-dan-khalifah

We created this blog with intention that we should always protect nature, starting from the little things that we love like our hobby our pets.

In the past people caught animals directly from the wild to make pets, as a result now the population of several wild animals is endangered.

We certainly cannot forbid everyone from catching animals from nature but at least if we can breed them then the animals traded as pets will no longer come from wild captures but from the farms.